March 12, 2024: (1) JavaScript Image Cropping and (2) Audio Description with Assistive Listening Systems

Topic 1: JavaScript Image Cropping

Jim Wilson would like feedback on the image cropping feature in WebTools. He put together an image cropping demo we can use as a basis for our discussion.

Topic 2: leveraging assistive listening systems for audio description transmission/reception

Bob Dignan would like to discuss leveraging assistive listening systems for audio description transmission/reception – for example, in performance venues like Krannert or a movie theater/auditorium. Campus Instructional Facility has a system installed from Listen Everywhere, and Wymer Hall is planning to use this system for its assistive listening solution across the building. These are promising developments for accessibility in these spaces, but Bob is interested in discussing additional considerations for these types of systems, and would like help teasing out even more dimensions to his inquiry into how these spaces can best support everyone.