Welcome to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Information and Communications Technology (ICT) accessibility exception request page. We strive toward a campus environment that is inclusive and accessible. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to procure or create ICT that meets that standard. At other times, the intended use of an ICT does not allow for meaningful access for those with a disability. In these situations, the university must be able to demonstrate that reasonable efforts were made to procure an accessible ICT and an equally effective alternative method of access must be provided. As such, a request to use an inaccessible ICT or to use an ICT in an inaccessible context must be reviewed and approved.
Accessibility exception requests are reviewed by the Technology Accessibility Review Committee (TARC). The TARC normally takes ten (10) business days to review a request and make a decision.
Note: Be aware that reviews may take longer than ten business days if the TARC must obtain more information from the submitter or changes to the submitted alternative access plan are needed.
To submit an exception request, click the link below.
Alternative Access Plan
As part of the exception request, an alternative access plan (AAP) for providing a reasonably equivalent and accessible alternative means of access must be provided. If the exception is approved, the alternative access plan must be implemented and maintained as long as the excepted ICT is in use. A link to download a template for the AAP is below. For more information, see Alternative Access Plans.