Explore with Hadi meetings

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Past meetings

Exhibit is a "Publishing Framework for Large-Scale Data-Rich Interactive Web Pages." It is being used for the Information Quality Lab's Empirical Retraction Lit Bibliography page. They would like to get feedback on its accessibility, quick changes to make the HTML on their end more accessible, and suggestions they could submit to the maintainers of the open source library to help improve its accessibility, all with the understanding that this is an older project and time for maintenance is hard to come by. There has already been a little accessibility discussion on their message board. Here are other example sites which use the framework:

There’s no Explore with Hadi meeting this month – enjoy your vacation, back-to-school planning, or other summer activities!

It's time to talk about comboboxes and autocomplete fields - it's something that everyone wants and there are a lot of options to choose from, but we want to make sure it is done accessibly and doesn't prevent users from using a website.

Some examples of accessible autocomplete implementations are:

Questions: What do we look for? What type of tests do we do to evaluate packages?

Join us to discuss this important and oft-neglected interaction pattern!

ARIA APG site relaunch

The ARIA Authoring Practices Guide (APG) website relaunched recently, with a focus on being more user friendly, simpler to use, and easier to read! Join us to hear about the APG directly from individuals on the University of Illinois campus involved in the APG Task Force.


The Web Implementations Guidelines Group (WIGG) is ready to tackle the megamenu as a component. They are looking to build the first component with menu items only. Later they will come back and make version 2 to add in the Call To Action portions like some of the Grainger menus.

They are looking for feedback on the design as well as development.

View the megamenu mockups in Adobe XD.

We're teaming up with the IT Pros Caffeine Break for an accessibility discussion about Audio Descriptions!

This week for Caffeine Break we'll discuss audio descriptions for video. We invite anyone to bring clips they've tried their hand at audio describing in order to get feedback. If you don’t have any clips to share but want to learn more about audio describing videos, please come as well! We'll be joined by folks involved in the audio description process for Chancellor's videos at the Urbana campus, as well as some others working on audio descriptions of live streamed events. We hope you'll join us to share your experiences, ask your questions, and join in the discussion!

We’re always looking for websites and topics to discuss! Email us any time and we’ll add your site/topic to the agenda for an upcoming meeting.